Online Classes
Live Zoom Classes
We offer a weekly selection of Live classes via Zoom.
Classical Mat Pilates
Incorporating the fundamentals of Pilates, this class follows the classical Pilates mat order. This systematic approach of controlled exercises engages the mind and conditions the total body. The blend of strength and flexibility training improves posture, reduces stress and creates long, lean muscles. Modifications and variations of the exercises are offered, making this class suitable for all levels.
Foam Roller Fun
(not currently offered)
Want to release tightness and stress off your body and restore flexibility and movement freedom? This is the class for you. You will roll out your body from head to toe and get a little abdominal work in too!
(not currently offered)
The Oov activates core stabilizing muscles while also gently extending the spine to stimulate healthy intervertebral disc lubrication. The Oov offers many benefits from identifying instabilities and weaknesses to stretching and core strengthening.
The Oov brings you out of the fight or flight nervous system into the easy parasympathetic, so at the end you are energized but relaxed. Your breath capacity is improved and your body moves more efficiently.
Zoom Classes
Wednesdays at 8am
Single Class - $20
Classes may be paid with Cash or Check, a Credit Card (4% processing fee added), Venmo (@Deanna-Busch-3), prior to the class.
Don’t have the right equipment? We do!
Ask about our Rental Equipment Service.
Pre-Recorded Streaming Videos
Video Classes on Your Time
We’ve recently partnered with FitStreams Club to bring you classes that fit your schedule.
Pilates Mat Classes for New Exercisers and Active Agers
3 Classes - Foundational Mat (Level 1)
Beginner Mat (Level 1)
Pre-Intermediate Mat (Level 1)
Check back often as we will be regularly adding new classes.