Our Pilates Equipment
The Wunda Chair
The Wunda Chair is a simple piece of equipment consisting of a seat and a hinged foot pedal that springs attach to. You can sit, lie or stand on the chair and push the pedal with your hands or feet. The chair is considered the most challenging piece of equipment.
The Cadillac
The Trapeze Table, or “Cadillac” is based on the first piece of equipment designed by Joseph Pilates. The Trapeze Table is a versatile piece of equipment that can be used to teach clients of any level. It is especially useful in teaching the pilates principles to new clients.
The Reformer
The reformer is a versatile piece of equipment. It uses a simple wooden frame, a movable carriage, springs, a footbar and adjustable leather straps. The Reformer addresses virtually every part of the body, from legs, abdominals, arms, and more. It can be used with clients of all ages and abilities.
There are three different kinds of Barrels.
The High Ladder Barrel
The Spine Corrector
The Arc Barrel
They were created with the primary purpose to correct spinal alignment and improve posture.
The CoreAlign is a completely unique piece of equipment and method that bridges the gap from Pilates to your day to day activities. Many of the exercises are performed standing and will challenge your stability and mobility.
Easy-to-learn exercises on the CoreAlign® emphasize an upright posture and are designed to improve posture, balance and functional movement
The Oov is made of dense yet pliable foam that both supports you and conforms to match the natural curves of your spine.
The Oov activates core stabilizing muscles while also gently extending the spine to stimulate healthy intervertebral disc lubrication. The Oov offers many benefits from identifying instabilities and weaknesses to stretching and core strengthening.
The Oov brings you out of the fight or flight nervous system into the easy parasympathetic, so at the end you are energized but relaxed. Your breath capacity is improved and your body moves more efficiently.
Foam Roller & Other Props
Mats, Foam Rollers, Magic Circles or Pilates Rings, Resistance Bands, Mats, Stability Balls, and other props can be used and combined with the traditional Pilates equipment described above to customize your work-outs and achieve your goals.
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